Page 3 - Brochure Lisam 2024.cdr
P. 3

    The Company, founded in 1967 by Loris Beltrandi, saw the arrival of the   first pneumatic olive harvesting machine; tool capable of reducing the
    first  worker  on  1  October  1968:  a  young  and  inexperienced  Renzo   collection times by 5 times.
    Soncini. Just that boy, who started as an apprentice in the small artisan   However, the world runs fast and Lisam runs with him... just 6 years later,
    workshop for the production of double-edged scissors, was able to give   the first electric olive harvester was introduced. A true revolution: so much
    life to an established company, known and appreciated in Italy and in   convenience  for  the  small  olive  growers  had  never  been  seen  on  the
    the world. Renzo Soncini started from the basics, being an apprentice   market.
    and learning well the trade.                                            Nevertheless,  for  Renzo  Soncini  the  moment  to
    Fact is that to create something, directing is never                    dream is not yet finished: now he creates a large
    enough: you need knowledge and desire to work                           and sumptuous venue for his LISAM.
    by  dirtying  your  hands;  and  Renzo  was  not                        Thus,  in  the  first  half  of  2010,  the  current
    lacking for that. (Actually, he is not lacking for                      headquarter  was  born:  overlooking  the  A14
    that  even  today:  we  often  find  him  in  the                        motorway and with a modern and elegant design.
    production department yet).                                             No compromise in this structure: from the external
    After  11  years  of  work,  Soncini  becomes  a                        cover  in  Alucobond  to  the  large  photovoltaic
    member  of  Lisam  and  has  already  in  mind  to                      system for over 80KW, from the wide and bright
    create something large and important, but for                           offices to the sumptuous meeting room, without
    the  moment,  evolution  is  limited  to  the                           forgetting  the  large  exhibition  area,  the
    improvement of the manual scissors only and the                         warehouse,  and  the  large  and  well-designed
    creation, at the beginning of the 80s, of the first                      workspaces. People at Lisam continue looking at
    lopping machine. The desire of a technological                          the  future  without  forgetting  the  links  with  the
    breakthrough  was  unleashed  in  1985  with  the                       past.
    creation of the first pneumatic shear that will 'force' Soncini, due to the   The philosophy is to innovate and improve their existing products, aiming
    high demand, to move in 1990 to a new location. There, production   to enlarge the market in the southern hemisphere. The basics will be the
    continues  and  the  product  range  is  expanded  by  the  addition  of   same as always; quality, reliability and a maniacal attention to detail that
    pneumatic hacksaws and compressors.                     have made Lisam what it is today: a reliable partner for farmers all over
    The further qualitative leap takes place in 1998 with the marketing of the   the world.
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